• 平成20年11月1日 兵庫県加東市の地に建立された念佛宗総本山「佛教之王堂」落慶法要が厳かに執り行われました

    平成20年11月1日 兵庫県加東市の地に建立された念佛宗総本山「佛教之王堂」落慶法要が厳かに執り行われました


The Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism



Words of the Buddha



Tales based on the teachings

of Lord Buddha



Pearls of wisdom

from sages in the past


Buddhist temples are erected in order to teach people

“Buddhist way of life” and to have them seek for “nirvana,” the ultimate purpose of life.

Each of the buildings is built to manifest various Buddhist teachings.

The Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism, the Head Temple of Nenbutsushu Buddhist Sect of Japan,

was erected by uniting the pure hearts of Nenbutsushu followers who earnestly wish

for world peace and serenity for humaniy through Buddhism.

We wish to be a light of hope, signaling the “dawn of spiritual civilization” in the present world of materialism.

We do not intend to offer present-world-benefits or sightseeing tours.

Instead, we strive to bring peace of mind to everyone, by practicing Buddhism as taught by Lord Buddha.


In Kato City, Hyogo Prefecture,
Inauguration Ceremony was performed on November 1, 2008,
whose magnificence 
and solemnity will go down in Buddhist history.


 Click here to go to Movie page.

Picturesque procession



Under the clear sky, in the grand temple surrounded by the mountains in autumn colors,

a red carpet is spread on the straight white Approach lined by Nenbutsushu monks

in yellow robes standing at regular intervals.

Heaven, Earth, and Man are all integrated to set the stage for inauguration.
As the monks chant nenbutsu, supreme Buddhist leaders under canopies

of five different colors step forward in a traditional and beautiful procession.


 Click here to go to Photo Gallery page.

Honorable Guests


T.M. King Father Norodom Sihanouk

and Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk of the Kingdom of Cambodia as the chief guests of honor,

supreme Buddhist leaders from 32 countries across the five continents, T.E. the heads of state, national leaders,

ministers, ambassadors, as well as renowned cultural figures, totaling about 300 guests gathered

at the Inauguration Ceremony of the Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism in Japan.

 Click here to go to Honorable Guests page.

The Head Temple of Nenbutsushu Buddhist Sect of Japan
The Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism

Spiritual base for the 370 million Buddhists in the world

Spiritual base for all the Buddhists in the world
Full scale temple carrying Buddhist cultures of India, China, Korea, and Japan




We extend our sympathy to those who are still in grave suffering and difficulty,

affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.